南方科技大学 EN

SUSTech-KCL MSc Research Project Student Exchange Program



SUSTech-KCL MSc Research Project Student Exchange Program

School of Life Sciences, SUSTech is proud to launch a Research Project Exchange Program with the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry & Neuroscience, King’s College London (IoPPN, KCL) for students enrolled in a master’s program. Projects in the following research areas are offered: Disease Research, Systems Biology, Neuroscience, and Brain Research. To apply to the program, please follow the instructions listed below.

· Type of exchange: Research project

· Degree/Program: Master’s degree/ graduate level

· Eligibility: At the time of application, applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing; in the semester prior to departure, have completed the required coursework in the graduate program; have a minimum 3.0 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA); enrolled as full-time students; have adequate progress toward graduation; and demonstrate fluency in English.

· Number of exchange students: A maximum total of 5 students per year and up to 3 students per cycle will be selected by a panel of judges from both partners

· Length of the program: the maximum stay period for the students in the United Kingdom is six months, but the project collaboration interval may extend online beyond (i.e., before and/or after) the stay period.

· Finances: Tuition and fees are paid by Exchange Students at SUSTech and are waived by KCL. Bench fees will be borne by KCL. Exchange Students will be responsible for their own travel expenses between China and UK, accommodation, passport and visa costs, health insurance, food, books, or other personal expenses. To partially subside the cost, the departments and supervisor will cover up to 6000 RMB per month for living cost for each student.

· Expected start date of the project: End March 2022 (The exchange program is only available according to local COVID-19 conditions and is subject to change)


Application details


· Qualified applicants: open to all master students at the School of Life Sciences interested in the proposed research fields and meeting the eligibility requirements

· Download and complete Application FormLetter of Recommendation and send them along with other documentation to kurganov@sustech.edu.cn

· Information about the program and IoPPN, KCL projects can be found on this website.

· Deadline: midnight, January 5, 2022


* The exchange program is only available according to local COVID-19 conditions and is subject to change

Note: Due to restrictions imposed on entry to China for all incoming travelers, including international students, only holders of either China P.R., Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan passports are eligible for this exchange


Application Package


All documents MUST be provided in English and submitted at one time. You can find the Application Form and the Letter of Recommendation at the bottom of this page.


1. Application Form

2. Unofficial academic transcript

3. Photocopies of English language proficiency certificates/test report

4. 1 (one) academic letter of recommendation

5. CV or resume


Application Procedures


Applications will be considered based on the information and documents provided by the applicants. An interview and/or additional information may be needed. The applications of students who pass SUSTech committee selection will be provided to KCL committee for review. The KCL will have final authority on all admission decisions for students to be received as Exchange Students. The final admission result will be announced by SUSTech or the partner university and offer letters will be issued by partner university by the end of January 2022.



Academic matters: Professor GUO Hongwei

E-mail: guohw@sustech.edu.cn 


Viktoriya Kurganov

E-mail: kurganov@sustech.edu.cn

Biology Hall, room 310.


APPLICATION FORM-SUSTech-KCL Research Project Exchange Program.docx

LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION_SUSTech-KCL Research Project Exchange Program.docx