2019 Undergraduate Commencement for SUSTech College of Life and Health Sciences



 last week, College of Life and Health Science of SUSTech holds 2019 Undergraduate Commencement at the lecture hall of N0.1 Faculty Research Building. It is the first time for the college to organize such commencement by itself. The commencement, hosted by Professor Chen Wei, Director of Department of Biology, are participated with Mr. Tang Tao, Academician, Provost and Vice-President of The University, all academic staff members, all degree candidates and their parents, friends and others which amount to more than 200 in number.


Before the commencement, undergraduates take photos in front of Wall for Memory

Before the commencement, the undergraduates, their parents and friends take photos in front of Wall of Memory. With a video clip showing the dedications from the teachers and the progress of the university, all undergraduates are moved into tears and reluctant to say goodbye to their campus life.


Directors. Teachers and Tutors participate in the Commencement


All raise to sing the national anthem.

The commencement begins with the national anthem.


Chen Wei, Director of Department of Biology, hosts the commencement

The commencement is chaired by Professor Chen Wei, Director of Department of Biology, who also gives a brief introduction of all guests present.


Vice-President Tang Tao Delivers His Speech

Tang Tao, Vice-President of The University, expresses his gratitude to all participants before delivering his speech to all undergraduates. He hopes them to be different individuals, to be creative, to be thirsty for research and to forge their careers. He also encourages them to be modest, ambitious and will-powerful to meet whatever challenge they will meet before the success is achieved.


Undergraduates’ Representative Liu Ling Jie Delivers Her Speech

Liu Lingjie, the undergraduates’ representative, delivers her thanks in her speech to all her teachers. She says that the time in Department of Biology of SUSTech is both impressive and fruitful. The university witnesses her growth in academy and mentality and enables her to have courage to take her way of life. “Graduation means a new beginning and farewell means opportunity for Reunion.” she says. At the end of her speech, she also wishes all other undergraduates a prosperous future in their fields.


Professor Ji Shengjian Delivers His Speech

 Professor Ji Shengjian offers his congratulation on the achievements the undergraduates made during their academic years. He says that it is their spirits of teamwork, diligence and exploration that carry them to the top of the academy. He hopes all undergraduates to be unique, responsible, helpful and indispensable in their future careers.


Professor Chen Wei Announces the Resolution

Professor Chen Wei announces the names of candidates for bachelor degrees and Vice President Tang Tao turns the tassel and confers the diplomas.


Vice-President Turns the Tassel for the Candidate



All undergraduates offer a series of performances named “See You” to congratulate for their perfect graduation. They also present bouquets to the teachers.


Students Present Bouquets to Teachers

And then, all undergraduates take photos with their teachers in front of the Inscription Stone around the library

The commencement ends with a landmark where the undergraduates are ready for their careers.

More than 96% of the undergraduates indicate their orientations: more than 60% of them pursue further studies in other universities at home and abroad such as Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, University of Pittsburgh, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Beijing University, Tsinghua University.