南方科技大学 EN

主讲人: 章栩 博士后

时间: 2024年3月8日(周五)上午10:30-11:30

地点: 第一科研楼315

第004期神经生物学前沿讲座:Essential Tremor and Cerebellar Neurostimulation: Unraveling the Mechanisms through Multi-scale Modeling

题 目:Essential Tremor and Cerebellar Neurostimulation: Unraveling the Mechanisms through Multi-scale Modeling

主 讲:章栩 博士后

时 间:2024年3月8日(周五)上午10:30-11:30

地 点:第一科研楼315


Essential tremor (ET) is among the most prevalent movement disorders, but its origins are elusive, and treatment options are limited. Noninvasive neurostimulation of the cerebellum by transcranial electrical (tES) or magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a promising therapy, yet results so far are highly inconsistent. In this talk, I will first present a neuronal network model of the cortico-cerebello-thalamo-cortical loop and our hypothesis on the origins of tremor oscillations based on the simulation results. Second, I will describe our multi-scale modeling works for the prediction of the neuronal effects under cerebellar tES and TMS, as well as TMS coil placement optimization. Finally, I will discuss strategies for effectively targeting tremor oscillations through closed-loop cerebellar tES and TMS, informed by insights into the pathological circuit dynamics.


章栩,南方科技大学生物医学工程系2013级学士,康涅狄格大学生物医学工程博士,现为哈佛医学院-波士顿儿童医院Kirby神经生物学中心博士后。章栩博士通过计算神经模型、启发式优化、机器学习等方法,研究特发性震颤的环路机制、小脑经颅电/磁刺激的细胞效应、经颅磁线圈定位优化、磁共振成像数据分析等;以第一作者在PNAS, PLOS Computational Biology等专业顶刊发表研究成果。
