南方科技大学 EN

主讲人: 瞿礼嘉 教授

时间: 2023年6月16日(周五)下午16:30-17:30

地点: 琳恩图书馆111报告厅

第52期杰出学人大讲堂:Peptide/receptor-mediated signaling involved in fertilization control in Arabidopsis

题 目:Peptide/receptor-mediated signaling involved in fertilization control in Arabidopsis

主 讲:瞿礼嘉 教授

时 间:2023年6月16日(周五)下午16:30-17:30

地 点:琳恩图书馆111报告厅


In angiosperms, after pollen grains land on the stigma, pollen tubes emerge and are precisely navigated to grow toward female gametes in the embryo sac, during the journey of which tubes will interact with eight different female tissues/cells. Therefore, the precise delivery of sperm to female gametes for double fertilization depends on complex but tightly controlled communications between pollen tubes and female tissues/cells. At the male side, these communications are primarily controlled by the tube cells, rather than sperm cells. A large number of small peptide-encoding genes that are highly expressed either in pollen tubes or in female tissues/cells have been identified to be involved in gametogenesis and/or male-female interactions. In this talk, I will discuss how cysteine-rich peptides (CRPs) and their corresponding receptors control proper male-female interactions to successfully achieve fertilization in Arabidopsis thaliana. The critical events include pollen tube growth/guidance, polytubey block control, pollen tube reception/rupture, fertilization recovery, and the programmed cell death (PCD) of the persistent synergid cell.


北京大学生命科学学院教授、教育部特聘教授。1995年于北京大学生命科学学院获得理学博士学位,1995-1997年英国John Innes Centre访问学者,1999-2000年耶鲁大学高级访问学者。2006年获得国家杰出青年基金资助,现任北京大学蛋白质与植物基因研究国家重点实验室主任。长期从事高等植物有性生殖过程的分子调控机理的研究,以通讯作者身份在Science、Nature Plants、PNAS、Current Biology、Cell Research、Molecular Plant、Plant Cell等杂志发表研究论文一百多篇。2007年获得“中国青年科技奖”,2020年获得“全国创新争先奖”,2023年入选首批“新基石研究员”;现担任国际植物有性生殖研究学会(IASPRR)副主席、中国植物学会常务理事、PLoS Genetics植物遗传领域主编、National Science Review(《国家科学评论》)植物领域评审组长、Plant Cell、Science China Life Science、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、aBiotechnology、Molecular Horticulture和Seed Biology等学术杂志的编委。
