南方科技大学 EN

主讲人: 熊延 教授 (福建农林大学)

时间: 4月10日(周三)9:30-10:30

地点: 慧园4栋301

生物系前沿讲座第005期:TORward in Complex Signaling Networks: Where I Am? And Where to Go?

题目:TORward in Complex Signaling Networks: Where I Am? And Where to Go?

主讲:熊延 教授 (福建农林大学)



报告摘要:To survive and sustain growth, sessile plants have developed sophisticated internal signaling networks that respond to various external and internal cues. Despite the central roles of nutrient and hormone signaling in plant growth and development, how hormone-driven processes coordinate with metabolic status remains largely enigmatic. Target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase is an evolutionarily conserved master regulator that integrates energy, nutrients, growth factors, hormones, and stress signals to promote growth in all eukaryotes. Our recent studies indicate a potential role of TOR as a ‘global positioning system’ that directs plant growth and developmental programs both temporally and spatially by integrating dynamic information in the complex nutrient and hormonal signaling networks. We reveal the possible functional and mechanistic mechanisms for how a single protein kinase, TOR, is able to recognize, integrate, and even distinguish a plethora of positive and negative input signals to execute appropriate and distinct downstream biological processes via multiple partners and effectors.

个人简介:熊延,福建农林大学海峡联合研究院合成生物学中心教授,教育部特聘教授。主持国家重点研发计划子课题和基金委重点项目等。1998年获南开大学学士学位; 2006 年获美国爱荷华州立大学博士学位; 2006-2013 年在美国哈佛大学开展博士后研究; 2014年先后入职中科院上海植物逆境研究中心和福建农林大 学分别担任研究员和教授。研究领域主要集中在植物碳-氮营养信号转导及能量感知机制。在Nature、Molecular Cell、Developmental Cell、PNAS、Molecular Plant 等学术期刊上发表了40余篇论文。研究成果被 Faculty 1000 连续推荐、被 Science Signaling, Molecular Cell, Developmental Cell 专栏重点介绍. 其中 2021在 Nature发表的植物“磷酸化密码”研究成果被国际权威学术平台Faculty 1000推选为2021年度Faculty Reviews Landmark Paper。

下一篇:系统生物学前沿讲座第006期:Investigating How Epigenomic and Nuclear Architecture Regulation Shape Cellular Identities