南方科技大学 EN

主讲人: 刘宏涛 研究员 (中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心)

时间: 9月14日(周四)11:20-12:20

地点: 慧园4栋301会议室

植物科学系列讲座第114期: 蓝光和绿光信号转导


主讲:刘宏涛 研究员 (中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心)




Light is very important for the plant, not only because of the photosynthesis, but also because of the photomorphogenesis, light controls the development of plants. Plants have several kinds of photoreceptors to mediate light signal transduction. The photolyase-like blue-light receptors cryptochromes (CRYs) were initially identified in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and later found in almost all species examined. The talk is going to focusing on how blue light and temperature coordinate to regulate development. We show that CRY is critical for not only blue light signaling but also ambient temperature responses. The pleasant green color of the green plants is caused by their reflectance of green light. This might give the impression that green plants can not absorb and use green light, and green light is of minor importance to green plants. We find that green plants absorb green light, and green light promotes the elongation of hypocotyls in Arabidopsis and many other plant species, which is contrary to the function of all other known spectra in photomorphogenesis.



刘宏涛,中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心,研究员。先后获得国家基金委“杰出青年基金”, “优秀青年基金”,“重点”,“原创探索”, 国家特殊支持计划科技创新领军人才,科技部“推进计划”中青年科技创新领军人才,上海市“优秀学术带头人”、“浦江人才”等项目资助。长期从植物光信号转导的研究,发现了光和温度协同调控植物发育的分子机制;揭示了植物适应紫外光UV-B水平变化、协调生长和胁迫反应的分子机理;开辟了绿光信号调控植物发育的新研究方向。相关研究以通讯作者在Developmental Cell, Nature Plants, Nature Structure & Molecular Biology, Nature Communications, EMBO J, PNAS, Plant Cell等国际著名学术期刊上发表。相关成果多次受到Developmental Cell, Nature Plants, NSMB, Plant Cell等国际权威学术刊物的专文评述。多篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。担任中国植物生理与分子生物学学会女科学家分会副会长,Plant Cell、Current Biology、中国科学(生命科学)、JIPB、Plant Communications、aBiotech、Frontiers Plant Science杂志编委。获得“中国青年科技奖”,“中国青年女科学家奖”,“中科三安光生物学杰出贡献奖”,“亚太光生物学会青年科学家奖”等奖励。

下一篇:植物科学系列讲座第114期: RootCellAtlas: A unified reference for single-cell and spatial analysis of root development and beyond