南方科技大学 EN

Postdoc Positions in Plant Cell Biology & Molecular Engineering


Postdoc Positions in Plant Cell Biology & Molecular Engineering
Positions are available at the research group of Peter Pimpl at the Department of Biology at
SUSTech, Shenzhen. Positions are available for 2 years from 1 August 2017


The focus of the research team is the analysis of the molecular mechanisms of protein sorting and transport in the endomembrane system of plants. We analyze protein targeting and membrane trafficking and organelle biogenesis, thereby aiming at the development of strategies to engineer new functionalized cellular compartments. To reach this aim, we pioneer the use of nanobody fusion proteins, the next generation molecular tools, for the non‐invasive analysis and manipulation of cellular functions (Kunzl et al., 2016, Nature Plants 2, 16017).

Position Description:
The postdocs will develop strategies to trace protein transport, to map transport routes in the endomembrane system and to specifically target transport vesicles.
The postdocs will design and generate nanobody/epitope‐tagged fusion proteins, perform locationspecific interaction analysis by combining methods from molecular biology, biochemistry with stateof‐the‐art live‐cell imaging and ultrastructural analysis.
The candidate will be offered an attractive salary and benefits package that will be dependent on qualification and experience.

Position Requirements:
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in biology, bioengineering or another related field
Candidates should have a strong background in cell biology and must possess very good language proficiency in English speaking and writing.

Inquiries & Application:
Please send your full application in English language (motivation letter, full curriculum vitae with two recommendation letters) as one combined pdf file to: pimpl@sustc.edu.cn
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.