Research Technician at Prof. Hutchins's Lab. in the Department of Biology
We are seeking two candidates for a bioinformatics/computational biology position at the level of Research Technician.
Work in the Hutchins laboratory involves building models using systematic analysis of gene expression and gene regulation with a view to understand human disease, pluripotency and development. We are particularly interested in transposable elements, long non-coding RNAs and systems biology approaches to understanding global organisation of cells and tissues.
Responsibilities will include the computational analysis of RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and other next generation sequencing data (Illumina, etc). The candidate should be capable of working within multidisciplinary teams and collaborating closely with experimental researchers. Training will be provided to bridge the gap from either a biological background or a computational background. The most important criteria is a strong desire to develop as a combined computational biologist and a deep interest in science.
See also: ap
Essential Requirements:
1. BSc. in either biology, computer science or related field
2. One or two of Python, Perl, R, and UNIX scripting (bash, awk, etc.)
3. Enthusiasm to learn and work closely with experimental biologists
4. Basic English
Desirable requirements:
1. Experience with RNA-seq data analysis (bowtie, tophat, cufflinks, stringtie, etc)
2. Experience with ChIP-seq data analysis (MACS, SISSRS, SICR, DFilter, MANorm etc.)
3. Experience using cluster computers (PBS, LSF, etc).
4. Machine learning (SVM, PCA, MDS, etc)
5. Biological experimental research experience
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